UI/UX Design & Development Services

Being a well-known UI/UX design & development company, Sanesquare Technologies recognized for serving modern business needs and delivering the best-in-class solutions at a competitive cost across the globe. Our unique techniques to research and empathize with the audience helps us design digital products that drive great traffic. Here's the reason we can be the most ideal choice when it comes to designing web and mobile apps:

Customer Satisfaction
We work on the latest frameworks and technologies to deliver you user-friendly, scalable, secure, and new business solutions as per your need.

Dedicated Teams
We have a expert team of UI/UX designers and developers who are well versed in delivering high-end business solutions on several tools and technologies.

Agile Procedure
We work on the Agile methodology and conduct frequent scrum events for optimizing the practices and methods and delivering the finest results.

Integrity & Transparency
We respect your ideas and vision, provide you every small project detail regularly, and consider your worthy advice when and as needed.

End-user Consumers Design Solutions
We follow client focused approach for better comprehension of the client and the business dissimilar other UI UX design development company in the Canada ,USA and UAE. This allows us to make designs that fit both the user’s requirements and business goals. We have the top UI UX designers in the Canada who make intuitive design experiences to support user engagement and maintenance with your brand. As a leading UI UX design and development company , our services are depend on research and created for the right user personas which convey all aspects of your brand in a short engagement time.

Flexible Engagement Models
Instead of working on unwanted rigid and strict parameters, we offer flexibility to our clients to select from different engagement and hiring models.

Our UI/UX team’s thinking & approach will completely transform your business problems into interactive solutions.
Our process includes

User Interface Design

User Interface (UI) Design focuses on anticipating what users might need to do and ensuring that the interface has elements that are easy to access, understand, and use to facilitate those actions.

Enhance your product value and create great user experience

Creation of the right User Interface design, icons and user experience will definitely enhance the brand value of your product. Our layout artists and UI designers work hand-in-hand with you to combine the right color scheme, icons, navigation design and interface to bring out the right product branding and captivating user experience.

We design pleasant Graphical User Interface (GUI) designs that enable you to maximize profits through increased customer satisfaction.
We strive to optimize every part of the UI to enhance user experience and encourage interactivity. We also analyze colors, elements, wording, style, and the use of embellishing graphics in order to achieve best optimum results.

About 80% of usability problems lie in the poor navigational structure of applications. We, at Sanesquare Technologies, not only suggest a robust navigational structure but also offer a successful UI Design Solution. We will also help you in redesigning your existing application and make it interactive so that your users will love.

This phase deals with Web, Tablet & Mobile, Apps Design, Visual Design, Graphic, Layout & Colors.

User Experience (UX)

Create Meaningful and Efficient Digital Experiences

To build your successful product from scratch or increase the effectiveness of your existing product, our UX designers always keep the users as their complete focus. Human-centered design allows you to exceed expectations of the customers you are targeting, based on statistical data and research, and as a result – Boost your business metrics.

Supporting user behavior through usability, usefulness, and desirability provided in the interaction with a product. User Experience design is a concept that has many dimensions, and it includes a bunch of different disciplines—such as interaction design, information architecture, visual design, usability, and human-computer interaction.The goal of UX design in business is to “improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction with a product.”

Why User Experience Design Matters: Your Business Benefits

Significant Uplift in Revenue : Thanks to product efficiency and user-friendly UI
Operational Efficiency: Due to a minimized amount of errors and time savings in performing tasks
Reduced Cost of Ownership and Support : By spending less finance on staff training and maintenance
High Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty : Achieved through intuitive and easy-to-use UI

This phase deals with Ideation, Strategy, Envisioning Product, Wireframes, Mock-ups, Usability Testing, Customer journeys & flows.

UI Architecture & Development

In this phase we provide technical expertise for every phase of the project lifecycle; from concept development to solution design, implementation, optimization and support and contributes towards particular module(s) of work by bringing deep core technology expertise.Also articulating the pros and cons of using a certain technology stack or component or design pattern versus another to the clients and drives selection of technologies, designs to come up with the optimal architecture.