Our Industries

Travel, Transportation & Hospitality

Travel Industry

Travel and Transport companies hold a very special place in their customers’ lives. They must shield their services from the increasingly diverse virtual and physical threats that need to be foreseen, understood and prevented. Meanwhile sustainability and carbon emissions continue to be important.

Modern technologies should make traveling easy: the journey effortless, visit straightforward and information needed timely and accessible. But operators are still striving for the illusive single view of the customer needed to provide the consistent and tailored services travelers need and expect.

Hospitality Management

Travelers today use multiple channels before choosing a destination. It is becoming a challenge for hoteliers/service provider to manage their brand reputation, initiate Personalisation by understanding customer sentiments and resolve issues proactively. Sanesquare Technologies has crafted a unique blend of services and solution to understand customer 360 to improve customer experience as well build business efficiency.

Transportation Management

The global logistics sector is still reeling from the after effects of last decade’s economic turbulence. Rising fuel costs and global recession severely affected all types of traffic. There’s a commitment to helping logistics firms solve their business problems in real-time. We provide actionable business solutions to facilitate transport across rail, road, maritime, and aviation.